
Regenerative Agriculture

There is no silver bullet to solved our climate crisis, but Regenerative Agriculture is one of our solutions.

I am interested in regenerative agriculture in all aspects - the practices on the ground, how our consumers will engage with regenerative ag products, and the ways our policy decisions will have an impact.

Open Data

I've been the beneficiary of so many Open Source/Data products that I try to give back to the community.

Open Data is something very close to me, and I am a big proponent. At the same time, creating Open products do have a tradeoff - the people that you might personally disagree with are going to have access to your products.

The struggle is real but in the end, my position is pro-Open Data/Source.


Blockchain is one of those technologies that gets no attention, then is overhyped, and later settles into its true role - and that is where I see the technology today.

I became interested in blockchain when Walmart began using the technology for quicker recall for produce.

Since my original interest in the technology, I have been fortunate to work with blockchain on several projects.


It's kind of amazing that hemp was illegal for decades despite all of its positive attributes.

Here in Oregon hemp is a fast growing sector of our ag economy, and institutions like Oregon State University have put the plant and its uses at center stage.

I have some friends in the hemp industry, and I also believe that the plant's usage is going to skyrocket over the next decade.

If you're doing something cool with hemp or in the hemp industry, I'm interested so please reach out.


I worked in Sales for a food company that I still admire and support (Singing Dog Vanilla - check them out!)

I find Sales to have consistent principles despite the product that is being sold.

A good phrase/saying that I'll share with you is this - When you are talking, you are losing. Put the customer first and understand what they want and need before yammering about your product.

Leadership/Great orgs

There are so few things that we do or enjoy that is done alone and because of this, Leadership is virtually ever present in our lives.

What makes great leaders and organizations?

That's what I'm trying to figure out by reading, listening, and learning their stories.

Favorite leader of mine? Ernest Shackleton is one of them, and also Jacinda Ardern of New Zealand.

Want to connect?

Reach me at